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Powerfull Data Processing – Analysis – Reporting With Power Query – What if & Solver – Power Pivot EXCEL 2016/2019

Introduction and Using Power Query :

1)        Connect

2)        Transform

3)        Combine

4)        Manage

Menggabungkan 5 File Excel dalam 1 File Excel, file dari hasil gabungan tersebut saling berhubungan dengan sumber datanya meskipun tidak dalam lokasi yang sama.

Managing Data Clouds :

1)        Create Excel worksheets with Google Sheets.

2)        Save Excel data files in Google drive

3)        Provide Google Sheet data to the intended user and their access.

4)        Pulling Google Sheet data via Excel app based on a link from Google Drive.

5)        Pulling Google Sheet data via Power Query tool into Excel database.

Using What If..Analysis :

1)        Data Table :

ü  Row input cell

ü  Column input cell

ü  Row and Column input cell

2)        Goal Seek

3)        Scenario Manager

4)        Cases Study : (determined by the needs of the audience training)

ü Profit and loss data simulation

ü Simulation of credit installment payment data

ü Net salary payment data simulation

ü Computer rental payment data simulation

ü Employee overtime wage data simulation

ü Data simulation to break even in pessimistic, realistic and optimistic conditions

ü Data simulation to get future values in pessimistic, realistic and optimistic conditions


Make data analysis using the Solver tool

1)        Install the Solver tool into Excel Sheet

2)        Introduction and using Solver Analysis

3)        Understanding and using Target Cell

4)        Understanding and using Changing Cells

5)        Understanding and using Constraints

6)        Cases Study : (optional)

ü  Ad cost optimization simulation

ü  Simulation of optimizing workforce needs by setting the work schedule

Introduction and Using Power Pivot :

1)        Start the Power Pivot in Microsoft Excel 2019 add-in

2)        Add Data to PowerPivot Work book from multiple data sources :

ü Excel Files 

ü Text Files

ü Combine of Excel and Text Files

3)        Save Power Pivot Workbook

4)        Create and Design of Data Modeling.

5)        Create Relationships Between Tables of Master and Transaction.

6)        Create a Formula Column

7)        Create a PivotTable from PowerPivot Data

8)        Create a PivotChart from PowerPivot Data

9)        Add Slicers to PivotTables

10)    Add Slicers to PivotChart

11)    Save the resulting Excel spreadsheet.


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